Students and teachers in full swing at the Cultural Evening in Grenaa

Grenaa Gymnasium has been a co-organizer of the Culture Evening 2023 in Grenaa this year and has significantly contributed to the programme.
The STX first year music students performed on the Indonesian bamboo instrument anklung, the visual arts students created drawings, and Danish students engaged in reading, listening to, and writing literature about joy of life.
Joy of Life was the common theme for the cultural evening, and therefore, it was fitting that the audience was invited to participate both with the anklung and at the drawing table in the tent, as well as in the literature workshop at the museum.
Naturally, Grenaa Gymnasium’s choir also contributed to the festivities with a concert.
It was a dignified conclusion to a busy – and joyous – week for students and teachers at Grenaa Gymnasium. On Tuesday and Wednesday, a group attended the Science Festival at the local oceanarium and on the same day as the Culture Evening, the IB1 students hosted a language market as a conclusion to their language week.