Choose a subject from each group
1: Studies in language and literature
2: Language aquisition
3: Individuals and societies
4: Sciences
5: Mathematics
6: Arts
You can choose not to select a subject from subject group 6 if you choose two subjects from any of the other groups.
You will have exams in all six subjects.
Additionally, you must complete the IB Core Elements: Extended Essay (EE), Theory of Knowledge (TOK), and Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS),
Read the subject descriptions carefully
In the subject descriptions, you will find information about:
Consider your choice of subjects carefully, so you avoid the hassle of having to switch later on.
All IB subjects are two years long
IB Danish A Literature allows you to become acquainted with a variety of literature from Denmark and world literature translated to Danish.
You will be reading literature from different periods, genres and styles, and analyzing the works in order to appreciate the writer’s techniques and in order to form your own literary judgement.
Danish A SL or HL is a good choice if you:
Higher Level requires you to read a higher number of literary works than Standard Level
We prepare for the exams through class discussion and written hand-ins.
Danish A is the IB Danish course for students with Danish as their mother tongue. You must have passed exam in Danish at 9th grade lower-secondary level.
IB Danish A is required for most further educations in Denmark.
IB English Language and Literature has a twofold focus in that both fiction and non-fiction is analysed in relation to culture, historical context, mass communication, audience and literary theory.
IB English Language and Literature will let you ask questions like:
How is a piece of writing a product of its time?
What techniques are used to make advertising persuasive?
How do authors hypnotize readers with the use of metaphors and vivid language?
Standard Level (SL)
Texts studied are extremely varied as we work with literature in a very broad spectrum.
For example:
Short stories
Graphic novels
Comic strips
Higher Level (HL)
More topics and works than at SL are to be read.
IB Diploma subject brief English A Language and Literature SL/HL
You prepare for the exams through assignments and reading, analyzing and interpreting literature.
IB English Language and Literature might be a good choice if you enjoy reading novels and wonder how language is used with specific aims in mind.
IB English Language and Literature requires that you are a proficient user of English (C1).
You must have:
IB English Language and Literature provides you with English skills necessary for university courses in English.
IB Self-taught language is a school supported self-taught course for students who would like to work with literature in their own native language other than Danish or English.
You can complete IB Self-taught language at Grenaa Gymnasium in a great number of different languages from around the world.
IB Self-taught language focuses on analyzing literature, both fiction and non-fiction, in relation to culture, historical context, audience, techniques and style and literary theory.
You will have to work independently with ten different works of literature, including both literature translated into your native language, and literature written by writers of your native language.
Works must be chosen by you in accordance with the prescribed list of authors for their language and in accordance with the prescribed list of translated literature.
Grenaa Gymnasium offers Self-taught Language A at Standard Level
You prepare for the exams through written assignments, reading, analyzing and interpreting literature on your own and, participating in mock exams in your language and in general, following the guidance of your self-taught teacher.
Occasionally and prior to beginning new parts of the self-taught course you will meet with a teacher and other self-taught students, but most of the time you will work on your own.
You must:
If you have the possibility of finding a tutor who masters your chosen language and is knowledgeable about literature in your language, you should consider this possibility, as feedback and guidance from a teacher who masters your own language is a good addition to the guidance, you can get from the self-taught guidance classes.
IB Self-taught Language A may be a requirement for further studies in your home country that you have passed an exam in you own language at native language level.
Grenaa Gymnasium offers: Danish B SL/HL English B SL/HL French B SL German B SL Spanish B SL
IB Language B is language learning for non-native speakers.
We teach languages through conversation, writing, and studying fiction and non-fiction texts and media.
We organise our studies in topics, e.g. We organise our studies in topics, e.g. cultural diversity, social minorities and traditions, within the five themes of the course:
Higher Level (HL)
In addition to the requirements for SL, on HL you will read two additional literary works.
You will be prepared for the exams through regular hand-ins, e.g. producing different text types, such as articles, speeches, brochures, blog entries, letters and instructions.
IB Language B Standard Level courses generally require that you:
Further requirements:
Danish/French/German/Spanish B: At the start of the course, you are required to have basic language skills and knowledge of the language in question, corresponding to A2 (CEFR):
English B: At the start of the course you are competent in communicative skills, corresponding to B1 (SL) – B2 (HL) (CEFR):
If you wish to study at a Danish university, in a Danish-taught programme, you need Danish B HL to be admitted.
To achieve admission at university courses in a different language than Danish, a Language B HL is enough in many cases. To be certain, consult the counsellor at Grenaa Gymnasium.
Grenaa Gymnasium offers Language ab initio courses in Spanish, French and Danish
Language ab initio are language courses for beginners.
We teach languages through conversation, writing, and studying fiction and non-fiction texts and media.
We organise our studies in topics, e.g. cultural diversity and traditions, and subjects like communication and media, social relationships, and global issues.
You will be prepared for the exams through regular hand-ins, e.g. producing different text types, such as articles, speeches, brochures, blog entries, letters and instructions.
Language ab initio is a good choice if you have little or no prior knowledge of the language.
Language Ab Initio does not prepare you for studying the language at university level, but serves as the basis for further studies or living in a country where the language is spoken.
Language Ab Initio allows you to:
IB Economics is theoretical economics applied to real world issues.
Cases analyzed are wide-ranging, e.g. economic consequences of Brexit or how robots could create structural unemployment.
With Economics you’ll be able to understand the links between social structures, politics and the economy of today’s world.
tandard Level (SL) SL has four sections: micro- and macro-economics, international and development economics.
SL requires that you learn some parts of the syllabus by heart, especially diagrams. In return the number of pages that have to be read is relatively limited.
Standard Level (SL)
SL has four sections: micro- and macro-economics, international and development economics.
SL requires that you learn some parts of the syllabus by heart, especially diagrams. In return the number of pages that have to be read is relatively limited.
Higher Level (HL)
HL consists of the SL topics, with extensions in some of them.
All exams are written and you prepare for them through regular written assignments.
HL requires that you possess strong quantitative skills with regard to calculating percentages, reading diagrams and solving simple equations.
IB Economics is a good choice if you wish to pursue further education within e.g. social science, economics, political science or financial subjects.
However, Economics does not formally qualify for admission to any further education.
This section is being developed.
In IB History at Grenaa Gymnasium we focus on 20th century world history topics allowing you to acquire a deeper understanding of the nature of humans and the world today.
IB History is a rigorous academic discipline that requires you to develop strong skills of source evaluation, critical analysis of e.g. causes and effects, evaluation of different perspectives and to make use of these skills in a coherent line of argument.
The Internal Assessment-project in History offers a good opportunity to learn basic skills necessary for the Extended Essay in any subject.
Standard Level
Prescribed subject:
The Move to Global war The global developments that led to the outbreak of World War II. It prepares you for the Paper 1 exam that focuses on understanding, evaluation, analysis and interpretation of historical sources.
World history topics:
This prepares you for the Paper 2 exam that focuses on your ability to present an evidence-based, critical and evaluative analysis of a specific historical issue.
IB subject description for History SL
Higher Level
Higher Level consists of the Standard Level topics and three in-depth studies.
History of Europe:
The SL and HL courses prepare you for the Paper 2 and 3 exams that focus on your ability to present an evidence-based, critical and evaluative analysis of a specific historical issue.
IB subject description for History HL
The SL and HL topics outlined below have overlaps and supplement each other.
All history exams are written and there are frequent written assignments to prepare you for them.
IB History is a good choice if you:
Many further educations in Denmark require that you have completed a history course at this level in order to be admitted.
IB Psychology focuses on why people think, feel, and behave the way they do, and how to investigate it scientifically.
Psychology is a good choice if you are interested in investigating:
You will be working in groups and individually.
Standard Level (SL):
Psychology requires you to have a very scientific approach when developing knowledge and understanding of psychological theories and empirical studies within areas of for example:
You will be expected to apply critical thinking skills and develop these throughout the course. You will do an experimental study, processing the data statistically.
Higher Level (HL):
In addition to the SL-syllabus, HL expects you to reach a higher understanding of methodology, i.e. the methods used in psychological research.
IB Diploma subject brief Psychology SL/HL
Tests and frequent assignments will prepare you for the exams.
HL requires that you possess stronger statistical mathematical skills than needed for SL.
IB Psychology is very beneficial if you want to become a nurse, a teacher or any profession with human interaction, such as a doctor, lawyer, etc. It does not, however, formally qualify for any specific university study.
This exciting new interdisciplinary course looks at issues of concern to everybody.
ESS is firmly grounded in both a scientific exploration of environmental systems in their structure and function, and in the exploration of cultural, economic, ethical, political and social interactions of societies with the environment.
ESS is designed to combine the methodology, techniques and knowledge associated with group 4 (Sciences) with those associated with group 3 (Individuals and societies).
ESS can therefore fulfill either the group 3 or , or alternatively this course enables you to satisfy the requirements of both subjects groups simultaneously while studying this course.
Standard Level includes:
In ESS Higher Level, the same topics as Standard Level are addressed, but in greater depth. Additionally, Higher Level also includes the environmental aspects of legislation, economics, and ethics
There will be written assignments based upon case studies, field work and/or experimental work, as well as tests.
ESS is interdisciplinary by nature and therefore requires a broad skill set from students, including the ability to perform research and investigations, as well as participation in discussions and problem-solving.
ESS is a good choice if you are keen to learn more about our planet, how we use our planet today, and how we can ensure a sustainable development in the future.
ESS will enable you to recognize and evaluate the impact of our complex system of societies on the natural world.
IB ESS formally qualifies for further education in Denmark and abroad, where a non-specified science subject is required.
You need to inquire specifically at any university you wish to apply for admittance at.
Biology is the study of life from the level of the cell its molecular construction and complex metabolic reactions to the interactions that make whole ecosystems function.
Biologists use many different investigation approaches and techniques.
We teach biology with a variety of approaches. Students will experience a mix between standard class room teaching, team and group work, experimental work and field work on excursions.
Standard Level (SL)
Higher Level:
In addition to the SL topics, HL covers:
You prepare for the exams through tests and frequent written assignments.
Biology HL is a good choice if you have a keen interest in a wide range of biological topics and have previously experienced formal science education at upper-secondary level.
IB Biology formally qualifies most further science and health educations in Denmark and abroad.
You need to inquire specifically at any university you wish to apply for admittance at.
Chemistry is sometimes referred to as the central science, because it is an integrated part of our physical environment and all biological systems.
This is why scientists from other fields including biology, engineering, geology, physics, and medicine work with chemists in interdisciplinary teams.
IB Chemistry provides you with higher-order investigative experiences and activities to promote a deeper understanding of critical concepts of chemistry.
IB Chemistry helps you to develop manipulative and experimental skills necessary to perform university level scientific investigations.
We teach IB Chemistry with a variety of approaches. By its very nature, chemistry lends itself to an experimental approach, and that is reflected throughout the course.
Standard Level (SL)
Higher Level (HL)
In the HL course you will work deeper into each of the topics above and solving more advanced problems.
You prepare for the exams trough assignments throughout the course involving previous exam questions and reports on experimental work.
Higher Level is a good choice if you have previously received formal instruction in chemistry.
Basic mathematic skills are necessary.
IB Chemistry allows you to acquire formal qualifications to a wide range of science programmes at colleges and universities throughout the world.
Physics is one of the fundamental experimental sciences. Its scope is literally infinite: it seeks to explain everything from the very smallest to the very largest things in the universe, from subatomic particles over climate to cosmos.
IB Physics combines theoretical studies (75%) with experiments performed by the students (25%).
There are five themes organizing the physics course:
The topics within the themes varies from kinematics and the gas laws to special relativity and the subatomic processes taking place within stars.
A complete list of the topics and their varying emphasis in SL and HL respectively can be see in the IB Physics subject description SL/HL
Teacher lead class-discussions on each topic combined with both theoretical and experimental practice will provide you with the conceptual insights and skills required.
Frequent written assignments, tests and experimental reports allow you more directly to monitor your proges and prepare for the exams.
For the successful study of IB Physics a strong foundation in mathematics is very important.
Mathematics is a search for patterns in the real and in the abstract world. We aim at making general statements about the observed patterns.
For example: Pythagoras’ theorem for right-angled triangles applies to all right-angled triangles.
We apply mathematical knowledge to solve problems set in meaningful contexts.
Mathematics Application and interpretations, Standard Level
Mathematics Analysis and approaches, Standard Level or Higher Level
Five mathematical topics are covered in all courses but with varying emphasis:
Detaljeret beskrivelse af IB Math Analysis and Approaches SL/HL
Detaljeret beskrivelse af Math Applications and Interpretations
Alm. tekst
There will be regular hand-ins to support what has been taught in class, thus preparing you for the exams.
Math Applications and Interpretation
This course requires that you possess knowledge of basic mathematical concepts, and you are equipped with the skills needed to apply simple mathematical techniques correctly e.g. trigonometry, functions, equation solving etc.
Math Applications and Interpretation is a good choice if you expect to pursue a career in e.g. social sciences, business, humanities, languages or arts.
Math Analysis and Approaches
Standard Level requires that you are from the outset competent in a range of analytical and technical skills e.g. trigonometry, functions, equation solving etc.
Standard Level is a good choice if you expect to need a sound mathematical background for future studies in subjects such as chemistry, economics, psychology and business administration.
Higher Level requires that you are from the outset very competent in a range of analytical and technical skills e.g. trigonometry, functions, equation solving etc.
Higher Level is a good choice if you expect to include mathematics as a major component of your university studies (mathematics, physics, engineering and technology).
Music functions as a means of personal and communal identity and expression, and embodies the social and cultural values of individuals and communities.
Music is an art and entertainment form, as well as a communication medium that has existed since pre-historic times.
The IB Diploma study of music aims at developing perception and practical skills through analysing, composing and performing music. ‘
We seek to make the study of music holistic through integration of theoretical and practical approaches.
IB Music is a portefolio-based course and there is no final written examination. The course aims to develop emerging musicians across three core folios for Standard Level.
Students will assume three different roles, Researcher, Creator and Performer, across three different contexts: Personal, Local and Global.
The Standard Level course consists of 3 syllabus components:
You acquire the prerequisites to work with these three elements through instruction in:
On the basis of this, you are required to produce 3 assessment tasks:
This means that for your assessment tasks you might for example analyze stylistic characteristics of your chosen works, adapt a musical work to your main instrument, compose a piece of music inspired from a musical style or composer, and a programme for your performed works.
IB Diploma subject brief Music SL
To prepare the you for exams, there will be regular hand ins to prepare you to produce the assessment tasks.
You need to understand that working with music is very different from other subjects in the IBDP program and that it requires a high degree of self-discipline to complete satisfactorily.
The following prerequisites are necessary:
Theory level you must have achieved in Pre IB or in prior schooling
This resembles the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRS), Level 1:
The course provides a foundation for further study in music at university level or in music career pathways.
It also provides an enriching and valuable course of study for students who may pursue other careers.
IB Visual Arts gives you opportunities to develop your creative skills by working with different forms of art-making.
In IB Visual Arts, the aim is to develop creative skills and understanding of art and artistic processes. We combine the practical creative work with art with analyzing and understanding art by including knowledge of art history and art theory.
In Visual Arts, we also work with curatorial practice, i.e., how to exhibit different art forms.
Throughout the course, you will get to experiment with a variety of techniques and art forms, for example:
IB Visual Arts is based on your individual and artistic investigations with the guidance of your teacher.
The course requires the ability work independently, as you have to develop ideas and choose techniques, and create your own works.
Standard Level (SL) requires you to produce 4-7 works for exhibition, a Proces Portfolio and a Comparative Study.
IB subject brief Visual Arts SL
Higher Level (HL) requires you to produce 8-11 works for exhibition, a Proces Portfolio and a Comparative Study.
IB subject brief Visual Arts HL
In Visual Arts, you work throughout the course on creating individual works, which are exhibited at the final exam exhibition.
Another part of your exam is a Process Portfolio, in which you continuously document your creative processes with sketches, photos and reflections.
Finally, a part of your exam is an assignment called Comparative Study, where you analyze and compare different works of art.
No prior experience is required, but it will be an advantage if you already have some experience working creatively and creating images and/or three-dimensional works.
Visual Arts is a good choice if you have a keen interest in arts and design, and are willing to experiment with different art-making forms.
IB Visual Arts is a good choice if you wish to pursue further education in Visual Arts, architecture, design or curatorial work at museums or galleries.
Please contact one of our counsellors if you have further questions.
Tel.: +4587584061
Tel.: 3138 0888