IB Language Day

IB Language Day

The IB1’s focused on their languages

IB Language Day 2023 Grenaa Gymnasium

In the last week of September, all IB1 students focused on languages.

On the European Day of Languages, they had a lecture on the importance of mother tongue and how to maintain the connection to one’s culture and language throughout schooling.

As some of the IB students are bilingual, there was a practical exploration of the advantages of bilingualism, particularly in terms of the opportunities it provides to transfer knowledge from one language to another – translanguaging.

The students created language self-portraits, and the grand finale was the language fair, where they all represented their language self-portraits and talked about when and where they use them.

Many of them brought flags and other cultural items, making the experience even more colorful.

Guests from Pre-IB and STX had a good experience visiting the “language booths” and asking questions about the language self-portraits.

The Language Day will not be forgotten right away, as this year’s language rainbow, produced by some dedicated students, will illuminate the common area in the coming months.

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