Dreams Come True

Dreams Come True

Isabella and Malou win writing competition

Norddjurs Bibliotekers skrivekonkurrence Grenaa Gymnasium

To celebrate the Nobel Prize winner August Krogh in Norddjurs Kommune and the theme “When dreams come true” for the September Culture Evening, Norddjurs Libraries held a writing competition for 15 to 25-year-olds. Participants were invited to write a story about making dreams a reality.

Danish teachers Glennie Grøfte and Tue Witt seized this opportunity in their classes, giving their students a writing assignment based on the same theme. Students could then decide for themselves whether to submit their stories to the competition.

Isabella Tanderup Degn, a 3rd-year STX student, and Malou Ormslev Christensen, a 2nd-year HF student, submitted their texts and won the competition.

“I found inspiration in my own life,” said Isabella. “I haven’t had big dreams that have come true, but I realised that small dreams are dreams too, and they’re easier to achieve. I don’t usually write for fun, but I quite enjoy it.”

Unlike Isabella, Malou occasionally writes poetry. “I’ve had a bit of a tough upbringing, and writing is my way of dealing with it. I found inspiration in nature, and the story just flowed from there. It’s about a girl who grew up on a farm and became a biologist, even though no one in her family believed in her. In the story, she makes a big discovery.”
Isabella said she wrote her text very quickly. “I started late, so I just wrote. And then I thought, what’s the harm in sending it in and seeing what happens?”
“For me, it’s actually a bit of a dream to win,” said Malou. “I think it was an exciting opportunity to be able to express myself.”
The two students didn’t think about August Krogh when they were writing, but they’ve since given him some thought. “It’s cool that he came from a small town and still made something of himself,” said Isabella. Malou added, “Yes, it’s inspiring that he didn’t give up.”

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