US Election Night

US Election Night

The social studies students and their teachers at Grenaa Gymnasium went all out on election night.

Samfundsfagselevernes US Election Event Grenaa Gymnasium

On Tuesday, November 5th, it was election day in the USA, and as has become a tradition, the students with social studies in their STX study programme or HF subject package held an election night event.

There were workshops with topics that shed light on the divided nation that the USA has become from various angles – swing states, conspiracy theories, the musical Hamilton, and the question of whether the USA is headed for a civil war. In addition, the students had the opportunity to “meet America” in the form of local Americans, who also led workshops and gave their perspective on the US election and the consequences it could have for us in Denmark as well.

After the academic part of the program, there was a “rally” where the students became “Democrats” and “Republicans” and decorated the cafeteria in red and blue colors. The energy level and mood were high, and slogans, banners, memes, songs, and quizzes were created. Of course, they could follow the election results live on the big screen and even throughout the night if they wanted to. Sleeping bags and mats were brought along.

 The election night event was the the cross-year day of the STX-students with social studies in their study programme. Read more about the cross-year day of the STX student with music and science in their programme.

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