Spring Concert and Exhibition

Spring Concert and Exhibition

Music and visual arts students demontrating their skills

Forårskoncert og -udstilling Grenaa Gymnasium

The Spring Exhibition and Spring Concert is one of the annual events at Grenaa Gymnasium and is a lovely occasion to mark that winter is over and exams will soon be all over us.

All visual arts and design students have their works from the school year exhibited for every one to see the themes, techniques and materials they worked with students. Additionally the works that a little earlier made it through to Ungdommens Vårsalon at Copenhagen Town Hall are exhibited, thus representing IB1 and IB2 students as well.

The music students give a pop and rock concert in the assembly hall to demonstrate their learning.

Many of them have never performed from a stage before, so there is always nerves on edge on this occasion when the assembly hall is packed. However, the atmosphere is supportive and relaxed, and we believe that everyone had a nice experience again this year.

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